Howdy! 👋
I'm Sam Jakob M. — a director of Apollo Software Limited. I'm a software designer, developer and engineer.
I'm Sam Jakob M. — a director of Apollo Software Limited. I'm a software designer, developer and engineer.
Contributed as: @NBTX
Hoppscotch is a fast, free and lightweight API development tool used by over 70 thousand developers.
As a core contributor, I ported the project to Nuxt.js, built proxyscotch, implemented various features such as WebSockets support and actively helped to maintain the project.
Contributed as: @SamJakob
The FOG Project is a computer image cloning solution, typically used for systems administration at large organizations.
I helped to refine the user interface for the project's v1.6 release, in particular by redesigning the management dashboard such that it operates like a single-page application.